Wereworld Wiki

The Ugri are the resilient and ferocious inhabitants of Tuskun, being considered as hardly better than the Wyldermen, constantly warring with the Sturmlanders. They are warriors with the strict tradition of following anyone who kills their chieftain. While originally they followed Lady Slotha the Werewalrus, after Hector killed her, they began to follow him. Under Hector's orders, they attacked and took over Icegardern, killing the few defenders that had remained on the city. After Blackhand had installed himself in the city, most of them refused to stay inside Icegarden because of their superstitions, preferring to camp outside the walls.

Known Ugri[]

  • Two-Axes, Slotha's second in command and later Hector's. Killed by Vincent when he took over Hector's body.
  • The Creep, a scout.